Getting Up and Running Locally

The steps below will get you up and running with a local development environment. We assume you have the following installed:

  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • PostgreSQL

First make sure to create and activate a virtualenv, then open a terminal at the project root.

Then install the requirements for your local development:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Then, create a PostgreSQL database with the following command, where [project_slug] is what value you entered for your project’s project_slug:

$ createdb [project_slug]

Cookiecutter Django uses the excellent django-environ package, which includes a DATABASE_URL environment variable to simplify database configuration in your Django settings. Rename env.example to .env to begin updating the file with your own environment variables. To add your database, define DATABASE_URL and add it to the .env file, as shown below:


You can now run the usual Django migrate and runserver commands:

$ python migrate
$ python runserver

Setup your email backend

To send email you need to configure your email backend

In development emails are printed to the console.

Integrate Gulp to your project

If you’d like to take advantage of common frontend development tools, you can do so with the included Gulpfile.

Make sure that nodejs is installed. Then in the project root run:

$ npm install

$ gulp

The base app will now run as it would with the usual runserver but with:

  • Live reloading
  • Sass compilation, CSS concatenation and compression
  • JavaScript validation, concatenation and compression
  • Images optimization

all enabled.

Optimized static files are generated in a dist folder in your static files folder. To serve them in your project, you can add something like this in your HTML: <link href="{% static 'css/project.min.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">.

To read about all included gulp tasks see Included gulp tasks.

It’s time to write the code!!!